Thursday, June 17, 2010

pet stores

pet stores
Studies show that most of our pets are "flea collars are sold in pet stores containing hazardous chemicals. The pet stores need to dig a large number of products.Fortunately, the global movement led by PETCO and PetSmart wants to withdraw the products from their shelves in pet stores.In order to help protect your beloved pet, The Natural Resource Defense Council requests all pet-owners to go to the nearest pet stores and check it they sell flea collars with propuxor or tetrachlorvinphos. There has been typed a useful check-list by the NRDC containing all the products to look for. And then, with the info you got, send an e-mail to their address: toxic products sold in pet stores contain chemicals that may cause cancer and neurological damage to pets and even humans.Civilians have the power to solve these things occurring in nowadays pet stores faster than the federal government, even though the regulation from the EPA has really improved public health. That is why pet owners should give extra attention to the matter and help improve the situation and check out the nearby pet stores.

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